Risk'n tic Entreprise

A true ally of the CISO, Risk'n tic is equipped with technologies designed to simplify your life, optimize your risk management, and your workdays. Risk'n tic offers powerful and tailored functionalities for your daily use. The approach is intuitive and fast to allow you to focus on the essentials and have a better view of your risks and your action plans.

Risk'n tic in daily life

In SaaS or On Premise, Risk'n tic integrates perfectly into your IT system according to your architecture rules. Manage over 50 entities, subsidiaries, stores, health establishments, and territorial collectivities from the same application.

Share the benefits of Risk'n tic ERM, labeled by ANSSI EBIOS RM and compliant with ISO 27005, with the entire group to industrialize Cyber risk management. Use Risk'n tic to deploy your control plans, security assurance plans, and the treatment register for even greater convenience.

Get a macro and micro view of your risks, essential for the executive committee and your stakeholders.

A solution that is adaptable and tailored

Optimize your time, save money with Risk'n tic ERM, designed by and for CISOs. This solution simplifies your approach, providing a result that is tailored to your entity, your group, and reproducible. At the end of the study cycle, your reports are immediately available with a simple export to PDF, Word, or Excel documents.

Contact us

Address :

SAS 823 360 177 0013 – Neuilly Plaisance

Tel :

+33 (0) 6 71 76 28 46

Email :


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